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Robb's Homemade Life


If your car air conditioner fuses keep blowing here are 12 possible reasons and repairs. This video is about how sometimes you can diagnose and repair a car air conditioner that is not working without using any complicated electronic diagnostic tools or experience.

Fuses Blowing Immediately Upon Turning On the Air Conditioning

Check for Visible Wiring Issues:
Inspect the wiring around the air conditioning components for visible damage, such as frayed wires, exposed metal, or loose connections. Pay close attention to areas where wires pass through the firewall or around sharp edges.

Inspect the Fuse Box:
Check the fuse box for any signs of corrosion, damage, or loose connections. Ensure the fuses are seated properly and that there are no melted or damaged fuse slots.

Test the AC Relay:
Swap the air conditioning relay with another relay of the same type in the fuse box to see if the problem persists. If the fuse stops blowing, the relay might be faulty.

Examine the Compressor Clutch:
With the engine off, visually inspect the compressor clutch for signs of damage or wear. A damaged or misaligned clutch might draw excessive current when engaged.

Fuses Blowing After Operating for a While

Check the Cabin Air Filter:
Locate and inspect the cabin air filter. If it’s dirty or clogged, replace it. A clogged filter can cause the blower motor to overwork and draw more current.

Clean the Condenser and Radiator:
Inspect the front of the car for debris blocking the condenser or radiator. Clean any leaves, dirt, or other obstructions that could impede airflow and cause the system to work harder.

Monitor the Airflow:
Ensure all vents inside the car are open and unobstructed. Blocked vents can cause the blower motor to work harder, increasing the electrical load.

Inspect the Blower Motor:
Listen for unusual noises from the blower motor when the air conditioning is running. Squealing or grinding noises might indicate a failing motor drawing too much current.

Feel for Heat..

Basic Capcut YouTube Video Editing For Beginners
learn how to edit a small video
import video files
Import audio files
Import video clips
Import photographs
trim and move video files
add transitions
add text
adjust audio
adjust exposure
adjust colors
make clips uniform
save the completed file to the computer

system requirements
According to the official website, here are the minimum requirements
for CapCut on Windows.
Operating system: Windows 10 or above.
Processor: Intel Core i3 or above.
Memory: 4 GB RAM or above.
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or above.
Storage: 2 GB available space or above.

Not many people know this but YouTube now allows viewers to leave a tip by using the thanks button below the videos on YouTube at least on some channels.
In addition, I have an Amazon affiliate link, and anything that people buy anywhere on Amazon after they enter Amazon via my link Jeff Bozos throws me a few pennies.
At least until he can get robots to start making YouTube videos and posting links for him. Don't laugh. The robot YouTube video content creators are just around the corner.
You better appreciate Robb's homemade life while you can.

some viewers like to see the stuff I have bought and liked on Amazon in my Amazon store.
My Amazon store affiliate links

Robb Moffett
Robb's Homemade Life

I have been messin' around in boats most of my life. Here are some mistakes I have made and some tips you might like. I am so sorry for forgetting to lock down my exposure during the recording. Enjoy the carnival lighting.😀

Not many people know this but YouTube now allows viewers to leave a tip by using the thanks button below the videos on YouTube at least on some channels.
In addition, I have an Amazon affiliate link, and anything that people buy anywhere on Amazon after they enter Amazon via my link Jeff Bozos throws me a few pennies.
At least until he can get robots to start making YouTube videos and posting links for him. Don't laugh. The robot YouTube video content creators are just around the corner.
You better appreciate Robb's homemade life while you can.

some viewers like to see the stuff I have bought and liked on Amazon in my Amazon store.
My Amazon store affiliate links

Robb Moffett
Robb's Homemade Life

I have been making YouTube videos for 17 years and have posted over 1400 videos. I'm biased but I feel strongly that anyone who has the slightest desire to make YouTube videos should try it.
If you want to become rich and famous making YouTube videos I'm almost positive you're going to be disappointed but if you want a fascinating lifelong hobby that given enough time and effort and a little luck could lead to something very profitable and personally rewarding then what are you waiting for?

Not many people know this but YouTube now allows viewers to leave a tip by using the thanks button below the videos on YouTube at least on some channels.
In addition, I have an Amazon affiliate link, and anything that people buy anywhere on Amazon after they enter Amazon via my link Jeff Bozos throws me a few pennies.
At least until he can get robots to start making YouTube videos and posting links for him. Don't laugh. The robot YouTube video content creators are just around the corner.
You better appreciate Robb's homemade life while you can.

some viewers like to see the stuff I have bought and liked on Amazon in my Amazon store.
My Amazon store affiliate links

Robb Moffett
Robb's Homemade Life

What are the four healthiest bargains you can buy at Sam's Club? I joined Sam's Club last month and did a lot of research online and for my money, the best four items for price and healthy ingredients are the dried blueberries the canned chicken the canned mushrooms, and most of all the 3 LB bag of walnuts.

my Favorite Cooking Videos Playlist

Robb Reviews Cool Tools, Food, Gadgets, Books, Movies and More

If you like my videos you can help me out by using the Amazon store link I added below. Bookmark my link below and anytime you visit Amazon in the future and buy anything Amazon will throw me a few cents and it helps me make more videos at no cost to you. Also, some viewers like to see the stuff I have bought and liked on Amazon in my Amazon store. My Amazon store affiliate links
Robb MoffettRobb's Homemade Life

Your phone is useless if it has a fingerprint ID and you got caught in the rain and now you and your phone are wet. What if you need to use the phone in an emergency and the phone won't recognize you because your finger is wet. What are you going to do? If you watch this video I'll show you what you can do for those occasions when you really need to use your phone but it won't turn on because it won't recognize your fingerprint.

If you like my videos you can help me out by using the Amazon store link I added below. Bookmark my link below and anytime you visit Amazon in the future and buy anything Amazon will throw me a few cents and it helps me make more videos at no cost to you. Also, some viewers like to see the stuff I have bought and liked on Amazon in my Amazon store. My Amazon store affiliate links
Robb MoffettRobb's Homemade Life

Ah, dear traveler of the urban labyrinth, prepare to embark on a sensory odyssey unlike any other. Behold, as we delve into the realm of discarded relics and unearth the hidden treasures of forgotten times in the most unlikely of places.

Join our intrepid explorer, Robb, as he mounts his trusty steed of steel and rubber, gliding through the tapestry of suburban streets with the grace of a modern-day cavalier. His journey is not one of mere locomotion, but a pilgrimage through the collective memory of his neighborhood, where the detritus of everyday life becomes a canvas for the extraordinary.

Through the lens of his camera, we are granted a privileged glimpse into his world, a world where discarded artifacts tell stories of bygone eras. Watch as he slows his pace, a beacon of curiosity drawing him closer to a weathered statue of a saint, nestled amongst the refuse like a forgotten deity amidst the ruins of antiquity.

But fear not, dear viewer, for this is not a tale of desolation, but of redemption. Witness as Robb's keen eye uncovers a relic of unparalleled allure—a photograph, weathered by time and forgotten by its erstwhile custodians. In a moment of serendipity, he rescues this dapper denizen of yesteryear from the cruel embrace of the elements, a silent witness to a bygone age.

As the strains of Juno Reactor's haunting melody, "Navras," caress the air, we are transported to a realm where time stands still, and the past merges seamlessly with the present. And in that fleeting moment, as Robb unveils the enigmatic visage of our dashing protagonist from over a century ago, we are reminded that amidst the chaos of the modern world, beauty and wonder can still be found in the most unexpected of places.

So come, dear voyager, and let us embark on this cinematic journey of discovery, where the mundane is transformed into the sublime, and the discarded ephemera of our existence become portals to a world of infinite possibility. Join Robb as he discovers Juno Rea..

While doing my morning bouncing exercise I go over the top causes and places where bike and e-bike accidents happen.

1 Impaired Riding: Accidents involving cyclists under the influence of alcohol or drugs, impairing their judgment and coordination, leading to collisions or falls.

2 Poor Road Conditions: Accidents caused by hazards such as potholes, debris, or uneven surfaces on roads or bike paths, leading to loss of control and falls.

3 Riding on Sidewalks: Collisions involving cyclists riding on sidewalks, often due to pedestrians or obstacles unexpectedly entering the cyclist's path.

4 Failure to Yield: Accidents where either the cyclist or the motorist fails to yield the right of way, leading to collisions.

5 Right-Hook Accidents: Happen when a vehicle makes a right turn in front of a cyclist traveling in the same direction, resulting in a collision.

6 Left-Turn Accidents: Occur when a vehicle turns left in front of an oncoming cyclist, leading to a collision.

7 Rear-End Collisions: When a vehicle hits a cyclist from behind, often due to distracted driving or failing to maintain a safe following distance.

8 Intersection Collisions: Accidents at intersections where cyclists and vehicles cross paths, often due to drivers failing to yield or cyclists running red lights or stop signs.

9 Dooring Accidents: Occur when a parked car's door is suddenly opened into the path of an oncoming cyclist, leading to collisions and injuries.

10 Collisions with Motor Vehicles: Accidents involving cars, trucks, or motorcycles are the most common and often result in severe injuries or fatalities for cyclists.

Visibility is Crucial: Over 60% of bicycle accidents occur during low-light conditions, emphasizing the importance of reflective gear and lights, especially during dawn and dusk.
Helmet Efficacy: Wearing a properly fitted helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by up to 85% and the risk of brain injury by up to 88%.
Left Turns are Risky: Approximately one-third o..

Everybody makes a mistake eventually. eBike mistakes can be painful. Let's learn from each other. I have been riding my bike weekly for over a year and had my first fall last week. I should have stayed on the sidewalk or street and entered the sidewalk from the grass at a larger angle while keeping a firmer grip on the handlebars and maybe lifted the front wheel a bit. It would also have helped to have clothes covering my arms and legs more thoroughly.

I am working on more ebike safety videos and they will all be posted in my ebike playlist
Jetson bolt & Ancheer ebike videos

Not many people know this but YouTube now allows viewers to leave a tip by using the thanks button below the videos on YouTube at least on some channels.
In addition, I have an Amazon affiliate link, and anything that people buy anywhere on Amazon after they enter Amazon via my link Jeff Bozos throws me a few pennies.
At least until he can get robots to start making YouTube videos and posting links for him. Don't laugh. The robot YouTube video content creators are just around the corner.
You better appreciate Robb's homemade life while you can.

some viewers like to see the stuff I have bought and liked on Amazon in my Amazon store.
My Amazon store affiliate links

Robb Moffett
Robb's Homemade Life

/ mrhulot101

I made this video for me. This was an experimental meal I wasn't sure how it was going to come out and it came out perfect and after I added the toast sticking up it reminded me of that scene from the movie 2001 I started laughing and I knew I had to film it.
The vegetable hash came out surprisingly well it's basically different vegetables I put into the food processor and made into little pieces and then put in a non-stick frying pan and slow-cooked for about 25 minutes with just a little bit of olive oil until it reduced down into a hash. it was scrumptious. I think the ingredients were onion celery carrot Peppers garlic parsley cabbage and olives with a little bit of Italian seasoning spices in salt and pepper,

I have been selling on eBay since 1998.
It's hard to make a full-time income on eBay however eBay is still the best place anyone can make easy part-time money.
In this video, I go over the three reasons why I think that is still true.

The first reason is there are so many YouTube content creators focusing on making videos about the best ways to make money on eBay.

When I first started in 1998 there was no information and very little help from anyone. It was difficult to find out the best ways to make money on eBay but now there's a waterfall of information that is current and topical on YouTube and online.

For example, I was watching one video the other day and they were discussing some of their favorite items that sell quickly and do not take up a lot of space, which was exactly what I needed to find. thanks to the tips in the video I was able to find several items that I had not thought about before.

The second reason it's still so easy to make part-time money is the post office has made it so simple to help sellers ship their items by providing a free pick-up service. This has been a game-changer for me. Before one of the most difficult and unpleasant tasks of selling on eBay was taking my items to the post office, now I just go online and schedule a pick-up, and put my packages out in front of my door in the morning when I wake up. It can't get any simpler.

Many longtime sellers complain that sales aren't like they used to be which is true. Still, I find that if you educate yourself about what is selling and use the tools eBay provides you can pick items that should sell quickly. Many people don't realize that the most important part of making money on eBay is educating yourself on what items to buy that you are almost certain to sell at a high profit and avoid acquiring piles of crap that sell poorly at a low profit. It's very challenging but it's a lot of fun.

The third reason I think eBay is still a great place to make part-time income is that ev..

Every day I drink the same 3 drinks throughout the day starting with iced coffee in the morning often made with vanilla soy milk as the Creamer then later in the day I have a glass of iced green tea with ginger and later in the evening, I have a smoothie made from protein powder chia seed dried blueberries dried cranberries and black cumin seed sometimes known as Nigella sativa and amla powder. This last drink I soak for at least 12 hours and then mix inside a mini bullet mixer. I love my mini mixer it's lasted over 3 years and keeps on going Magic Bullet Personal Blender, 3-Piece Set, Black

Organic Amla Powder (Amalaki) | 16oz Resealable Kraft Bag (1lb) | Indian Gooseberry Amla Powder

Black Cumin Seed 1lb (16Oz) (Nigella Sativa): 100% USDA Certified ORGANIC Bulk Egyptian Black Caraway

Orgain Organic Vegan Protein Powder, Vanilla Bean - 21g Plant-Based Protein, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Lactose-Free, Soy Free, No Sugar Added, Kosher, For Smoothies & Shakes - 2.03lb

my Favorite Cooking Videos Playlist

Robb Reviews Cool Tools, Food, Gadgets, Books, Movies and More

If you like my videos you can help me out by using the Amazon store link I added below. Bookmark my link below and anytime you visit Amazon in the future and buy anything Amazon will throw me a few cents and it helps me make more videos at no cost to you. Also, some viewers like to see the stuff I have bought and liked on Amazon in my Amazon store. My Amazon store affiliate links
Robb MoffettRobb's Homemade Life

Season Caviart Black Seaweed Pearls – Vegan Caviar, Award-Winning, Keto Snacks, Gluten-Free, Soy-Free, Cholesterol-Free, Plant-Based, Full of Vitamins, Kosher Caviar, Made in Denmark – 1.75 Oz

I would definitely eat this seaweed caviar again after the first couple of bites the taste was enjoyable and very similar to traditional caviar.
The price of this seaweed caviar is at this moment only$6 for a container which is quite a bit less than the price of the traditional caviar.
I purchased this caviar substitute on my own and was not compensated in any way by the company
I really wanted to have some caviar for the new year and thought this would be a good product to try in place of regular caviar which I can't afford.
This video was recorded around New Year's of 2024 and I did not post it until today.
I will be trying to make my own seaweed caviar shortly using some video instructions I found on YouTube.

Please be sure to take a look at my other review videos also my recipe videos showing some of my favorite recipes and food preparation videos by myself another said I like on the Internet and YouTube

Here's what the company has to say about its caviar
BETTER THAN CAVIAR – Our Caviart is the perfect vegan replacement in any caviar dish. It mimics traditional black capelin caviar eggs, minus the allergens, cruelty, and luxury price tag
PLANT-BASED ALTERNATIVE – This alternative for classic caviar offers a smooth texture with a clean, briny taste that can be enjoyed as a snack, appetizer, or dessert!
PACKED WITH VITAMINS & MINERALS – Our Caviart is rich in a variety of micronutrients, including iodine, B-12, & more. It is also gluten, soy, & cholesterol-free, making it a great healthy snack
GOOD FOR OUR PEOPLE & PLANET – Caviart Black Seaweed Pearls isn't that invasive and has virtually no ecological footprint. This makes it healthy for our people, and planet, and is a good fit with Season!

my Favorite Cooking Videos Playlist https://www...

This is my favorite frugal seafood dish it's deliciously easy and quick to make and costs practically nothing. I only use 1/3 of a bag of mussels I get at the dollar store and a small packet of macaroni and cheese I can cook in the microwave in 4 minutes. I add a little butter and lemon pepper and parsley flakes for flavor and seasoning and color and after mixing in the cheese powder let it sit for five or six minutes so it can absorb the broth of the mussels and creamy cheese. You can make this even more delicious by adding cream and other expensive ingredients but it won't make it that much better.

If you like my videos you can help me out by using the Amazon store link I added below. Bookmark my link below and anytime you visit Amazon in the future and buy anything Amazon will throw me a few cents and it helps me make more videos at no cost to you. Also, some viewers like to see the stuff I have bought and liked on Amazon in my Amazon store. My Amazon store affiliate links
Robb MoffettRobb's Homemade Life

10 ways to use simple neck lanyards, from taking better photos to self-defense options.

If you like my videos you can help me out by using the Amazon store link I added below. Bookmark my link below and anytime you visit Amazon in the future and buy anything Amazon will throw me a few cents and it helps me make more videos at no cost to you. Also, some viewers like to see the stuff I have bought and liked on Amazon in my Amazon store. My Amazon store affiliate links
Robb MoffettRobb's Homemade Life

here is Brad's channel,

The low-cost Ancheer Gladiator eBike has a few features that sets it apart from many other eBikes. I purchased my eBike 2 months ago after much research and it has been surprising how few problems I have experienced considering the low cost. The bike is comfortable on the road and also has powered through minor off-road conditions without complaint.
ANCHEER Electric Bike for Adults with 750W Peak Motor, 48V 499Wh Ebike, Up to 55 Miles, 3H Fast Charge, 26'' Gladiator Electric Mountain Bike, LCD Display, 21Speed, 20MPH Adults Electric Bicycle

My favorite features have been
Low Cost
Lightweight 48 pounds
large battery
cruise control
speed 21 mph
ease of assembly
battery portability and removal

DON PEREGRINO B2 Bike Tail Light 110 Lumens High Brightness Red/Blue, Rear Bike Light USB-C Rechargeable with 5 Modes Bicycle Rear Light for Night Riding

Voilamart Rear Bike Rack Quick Release Bike Cargo Rack Universal Bicycle Rear Rack Aluminum Alloy Adjustable Bike Luggage Carrier with a Bicycle Cargo Rack Net 115 LBS Load

Hafny Bar End Bike Mirror, Stainless Steel Lens, Safe Rearview Mirror

kemimoto Bike Bag Bicycle Panniers Rear Rack Bag, 30L Large Capacity Water Resistant Bicycle Trunk Bag, Bike Saddle Bag for Grocery Shopping, Support for Width Less Than 5 inches Bike Rack, Grey

Adult-Men-Women Bike Helmet with Light - Mountain Road Bicycle Helmet with Replacement Pads & Detachable Visor

Mini Bike Pump with Gauge - Portable Bicycle Tire Pump - 120 PSI Bike Air Pump fits Presta & Schrader & Dunlop Valve - Road MTB Bike Pump Comes with Mounting Bracket (Black Grey)

Master Lock Bike Lock Cable, Combination Bicycle Lock, Cable Lock for Outdoor Equipment, 8143D

Not many people know this but YouTube now allows viewers to leave a tip by using the thanks button ..

You can turn a low-cost used point-and-shoot digital camera into a screenless Camp Snap-style camera with a few almost free modifications. The Camp Snap camera is a screenless digital camera popular as a children's camera and with some camera enthusiasts enamored by the simplicity and nostalgia offered by the Camp Snap camera.
I covered the screen of an old Olympus Stylus TG 630 with card stock and then used the same material to make a crude but effective viewfinder. These changes allowed me to take quality digital photos without viewing the image on a screen. Other point-and-shoot digital cameras should be able to be modified in the same way. The Olympus TG630 cost me $54 used on eBay and is waterproof to 16 feet, dustproof, shock resistant, and can withstand freezing temperatures and has a lanyard and a macro and 5x zoom function along with its 1080p video recording ability.

If you like my videos you can help me out by using the Amazon store link I added below. Bookmark my link below and anytime you visit Amazon in the future and buy anything Amazon will throw me a few cents and it helps me make more videos at no cost to you. Also, some viewers like to see the stuff I have bought and liked on Amazon in my Amazon store. My Amazon store affiliate links
Robb MoffettRobb's Homemade Life

Are UFOs or UAPs real? What are the reasons for UFO or UAP sightings and if we are being visited by life forms not from Earth how is that possible due to what we know of physics and the unappealing Earthlings that should discourage supposedly higher life forms able to master interplanetary tourism from visiting this violent stupid drama queen of a planet? Maybe they just like our bottled water and jeans with holes in them.
In today's video, I brainstormed good and bad possibilities of why there may or may not be visitors from space and also revealed my favorite possibilities. I am looking forward to your thoughts and experiences.
Most UFO sightings have been debunked including recent popular ones but there are also credible unexplained sightings that deserve investigation.

UFO 🛸 Painting on Mini Canvas #36 🎨 1 minute Painting 🎨 Satisfying Video

Are they aliens? ReasonTV

If you like my videos you can help me out by using the Amazon store link I added below. Bookmark my link below and anytime you visit Amazon in the future and buy anything Amazon will throw me a few cents and it helps me make more videos at no cost to you. Also, some viewers like to see the stuff I have bought and liked on Amazon in my Amazon store. My Amazon store affiliate links
Robb MoffettRobb's Homemade Life

I made crispy crunchy crab Rangoon from fish sticks made from Pollock instead of artificial crab meat which is also made from Pollock. Crab Rangoon is expensive in Chinese restaurants but using this recipe and method you can make your own fake crispy crab rangoons at home for very little money.
I added celery and carrot to improve the texture and flavor along with some old Bay seasoning lemon pepper and parsley flakes
and cream cheese. I also made a dipping sauce from Greek yogurt and marmalade made from oranges and some ginger. The dipping sauce was surprisingly good much better than I had expected.
The fake crab Rangoon was very crunchy and crispy and the filling did not taste like real authentic crab meat but had a better flavor
than any crab Rangoon, I have tasted made with the artificial crab.
I think I should add a few drops of fish sauce the next time I make this to give it more of a seafood flavor
and also add the fish sticks at the very end so they remain chunky.
The dipping sauce is made in a mini blender from 2 large tablespoons of Greek yogurt and orange marmalade each with a pinch of ground ginger and blended for 30 seconds.

4 ounces of cooked fish sticks
4 ounces of vegetables
4 ounces of cream cheese
1 teaspoon lemon pepper
1/2 teaspoon of Old Bay seasoning
parsley flakes
wonton wrappers
Deep fry in 350 F canola oil for 3 minutes

2 heaping tablespoons Orange Marmalade
2 heaping tablespoons of vanilla Greek Yogurt
pinch of dried ginger
blend 30 seconds

OVENTE Electric Deep Fryer 1.5 Liter Capacity

Hamilton Beach Electric Vegetable Chopper & Mini Food Processor, 3-Cup, 350 Watts, for Dicing, Mincing, and Puree, Black (72850)

my Favorite Cooking Videos Playlist

If you like my videos you can help me out by using the Amazon store link I added below. Boo..

The Alpha Strategy: The Ultimate Plan of Financial Self-Defense A practical investment guide offers advice on beating inflation and protecting savings by investing in real goods as opposed to paper claims on wealth.

"The Alpha Strategy is, without a doubt, the best explanation of the Federal Reserve System and the perils of fractional-reserve banking ever put on paper. This accounts for the first 50 pages of the book; the next 70 serve as a great primer on free-market economics in general. Doug Casey (of is quoted on the back of the book calling author John Pugsley maybe "the greatest living free-market writer" -- keep in mind, this is when Murray Rothbard was still alive! And based on the skill with which Pugsley explains supposedly "difficult" concepts, I'm inclined to agree with Casey's assessment. I only wonder why Pugsley didn't go on to write more books.

The second half of The Alpha Strategy might be the reason: like Ron Paul in Gold, Peace, and Prosperity and Gary North in How You Can Profit From the Coming Price Controls , Pugsley ended up being wrong with his dire economic predictions for the 1980s. This is understandable: no one could have possibly foreseen Paul Volcker's tight monetary policy. However, all of the same factors that led Pugsley, Paul, and North to project the implosion of the dollar and U.S. economy in 1980 are present once again, only this time, we have a much larger debt, much bigger entitlement deficits, currency competition in the form of the euro, industrial competition from China, overextended military, much greater debasement of our currency, and a president and Federal Reserve Chairman who absolutely WILL NOT do what Volcker did. Thus, The Alpha Strategy is even more timely reading today than when it was written. Pugsley's predictions were not "wrong," they were just about 30 years too early.

The second half of the book is a stylistic departure, . But the strategy for preserving wealth and beating inflation ..

I am impressed by the design of Amazon's new shipping box. The box is much stronger and lends itself to being reused and repurposed after delivery instead of discarding. This coming from a man whom Amazon has banned from leaving reviews on their website.

Robb Reviews Cool Tools, Food, Gadgets, Books, Movies and More

If you like my videos you can help me by using the Amazon store link I added below. Bookmark my link below and anytime you visit Amazon in the future and buy anything Amazon will throw me a few cents and it helps me make more videos at no cost to you. Also, some viewers like to see the stuff I have bought and liked on Amazon in my Amazon store. My Amazon store affiliate links
Robb MoffettRobb's Homemade Life

Normies, regular financially uneducated people are buying bitcoin now via Fidelity and their new bitcoin ETF ( BTCF.) If you have an IRA you can exchange your funds or a portion of them into the bitcoin ETF which is BTCF. If your IRA does not let you exchange a mutual fund into the ETF you can easily have Fidelity set up a separate IRA and you can then transfer the number of funds into your new retirement IRA and then sell them and use the cash to purchase the bitcoin ETF.

If you like my videos you can help me by using the Amazon store link I added below. Bookmark my link below and anytime you visit Amazon in the future and buy anything Amazon will throw me a few cents and it helps me make more videos at no cost to you. Also, some viewers like to see the stuff I have bought and liked on Amazon in my Amazon store. My Amazon store affiliate links
Robb MoffettRobb's Homemade Life

My 60-year-long love affair with books and authors, their stories, and the life lessons they have gifted me. Filmed during the 2024 Oscars for Joel Havers Annual I Shot A Movie During The Oscars Worldwide Film Festival.

My 2022 entry
The Man Who Started The Great Depression And World War 2

My 2023 Entry (was not submitted because it took me two days to shoot instead of just one on the day of the Oscars)
The Devil Goes Down To YouTube

Movies Shot During The Oscars 2022

Full Playlist of Movies Shot During The Oscars 2023 -
• Movies Shot During The Oscars 2023


Why I did not enter my film in Joel Haver's Oscar competition this year (2023)

Robb's Video Stories

Instead of Watching The Oscars Watch This Award Show

Not many people know this but YouTube now allows viewers to leave a tip by using the thanks button below the videos on YouTube at least on some channels.
In addition, I have an Amazon affiliate link, and anything that people buy anywhere on Amazon after they enter Amazon via my link Jeff Bozos throws me a few pennies.
At least until he can get robots to start making YouTube videos and posting links for him. Don't laugh. The robot YouTube video content creators are just around the corner.
You better appreciate Robb's homemade life while you can.

some viewers like to see the stuff I have bought and liked on Amazon in my Amazon store.
My Amazon store affiliate links

Robb Moffett
Robb's Homemade Life

Has anyone been screwed by Aliexpress
I ordered an item from Aliexpress
I received an e-mail the order had arrived
I checked my mailbox and did not find any item nor did I find any notice from the post office
when I inquired with Ali Express they said to contact the mail carrier
the post office has no record of the package
aliexpress says to file a claim for a refund which was denied
I investigated more on Aliexpress and they said to contact customer care
the customer care page they sent me only has the phone numbers of the post office
the information from Aliexpress says the package was sent and had arrived but was waiting for me to pick it up at the mail carrier
who has no information about the package nor ever left any pickup notice at my home which is customary
there is no information indicating it was ever delivered to my address at the same time
they have my money
I contacted PayPal as I used them to make my purchase and they say I should contact the seller and offer me no help
the seller has my money but I have no package nor any help from Aliexpress or the seller the post office or PayPal
I will be eliminating any future purchases from Aliexpress

If you like my videos you can help me by using the Amazon store link I added below. Bookmark my link below and anytime you visit Amazon in the future and buy anything Amazon will throw me a few cents and it helps me make more videos at no cost to you. Also, some viewers like to see the stuff I have bought and liked on Amazon in my Amazon store. My Amazon store affiliate links
Robb MoffettRobb's Homemade Life

This is my first time getting old. I am still learning. One of the best and simplest ways to learn how to navigate retirement is to learn how others are handling the adventure . I was inspired to make this video on cheap or frugal purchase to help increase the happiness of retirement by the Holy Schmidt channel that covered the same topic. His video is here,
but please check out my variety channel and subscribe before leaving.

Also, I would love to learn from you, tell us what are cheap purchases that have improved your life.

Intex Explorer 300 Compact 83 Inch Long 46 Inch Wide Inflatable Fishing 3 Person Raft Boat with High Output Pump and 2 French Oars

Hamilton Beach Electric Vegetable Chopper & Mini Food Processor, 3-Cup, 350 Watts, for Dicing, Mincing, and Puree, Black (72850)

PRUNUS J-328 Mini Portable Pocket FM Radio MP3 Walkman Radio with Recorder, Lock Key, SD Card Player, Rechargeable Battery Operated(NO AM) Red

Outroad 26 Inch Folding Mountain Bike, 21 Speed Full Suspension High-Carbon Steel MTB Foldable Bicycle, Dual Disc Brake Non-Slip Folding Bikes for Adults/Men/Women, Black, Orange and Green

Aging Well: Surprising Guideposts to a Happier Life from the Landmark Study of Adult Development Kindle Edition

Stamina Mini Fitness Trampoline w/Smart Workout App

Resistance Bands, Exercise Bands with Handles, Fitness Bands, Workout Bands with Door Anchor and Ankle Straps, for Heavy Resis

Omron 7 Series Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor; 100-Reading Memory with Heart Zone Guidance and UltraSilent Inflation by Omron

My personal finance & saving money playlist

My Personal Health Improvement and Resources Playlist


Created 5 years, 9 months ago.

71 videos

Category DIY & Gardening

DIY videos, product reviews, cooking videos, comedy videos, how to save money videos, how to be healthy videos, fishing videos, small boat videos, sailing videos, repair videos.